In this article, we discussed new tariff for KSEB domestic consumers. How it is different from old tariff rate. What will be the change in total electricity bill for a regular consumer? Fixed charge increased up to 75% for Domestic consumer. What will the total effect of this increased tariff to a normal domestic consumer. Read more
Electric current is a stream of charged particles, like electrons or ions, moving through an electrical conductor or conducting space. Current is measured as the net rate of flow of electric charge through a region. Current is denoted by using the letter “I”, actually this letter I originated from a French phrase “intensité du courant” which means “current intensity” Unit The SI unit of electric current is the ampere or amp (symbol: A). The word ampere was named after the famous person André-Marie Ampère, this same person used the letter “I“ for current in his works. Current is the flow Read more
In this article, we discussed What is an ACD ADJ in KSEB Bill? How to calculate ACD/ADJ in KSEB Bill. Using a n example of real KSEB electricity bill with Additional Cash Deposit Adjustment ACD ADJ is Additional Cash Deposit Adjustment. According to the Kerala Electricity Supply Code 2014, the KSEB is required to keep a fixed amount as a security deposit from all customers. To calculate this, we find the average power consumption for the financial year immediately preceding the first quarter. The monthly bill amount is calculated on the current tariff for the average usage thus obtained. Customers Read more
Voltage, Electric Potential Difference, Electric Pressure or Electric Tension Voltage is the difference in electric potential between two points. Voltage can be defined as the work needed per unit of charge to move a test charge between the two points. Unit As per the International System of Units (SI units), the derived unit for voltage is volt. The term “volt” is derived in honor of the famous Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745–1827), who invented the first chemical battery known as the voltaic pile. Voltage is symbolically denoted by V. In SI units, work per unit charge is expressed as joules Read more
In this article, we discussed registering for SMS Alerts for Bill & Power Outage. It is an effortless procedure in which you need only your old bill no. and consumer no. and can be completed in 2 minutes. Watch the video and follow the instruction in the video. In this video we have also discussed about Scam using SMS and KSEB Bill which was reported by Kerala Police. Read more
KSEB Proposal Gross Metering in the on-grid system In this article, we discussed KSEB proposal of introducing the gross metering system in solar on-grid project based on a newspaper article. Will gross metering system will make a huge loss for on-grid solar system owners. Comparison between net metering and gross metering system with the actual solar bill. How to calculate KSEB Solar Net Meter Bill and how to calculate KSEB Solar Ongrid Meter with the gross metering system. We have also discussed my opinion on the gross metering system introduction by KSEB for solar On-grid consumers. Watch Video Tutorial In Read more
In this article, we discussed How to calculate KSEB Solar TOD Net Meter Bill or KSEB Solar Ongrid Meter Reading and bill calculation for the TOD metering system. We have discussed here for example the procedure KSEB follows when production is excess of consumption and when production is less than consumption on a solar On-grid consumer and what they do to excess production from a Solar power plant. Also explained the possibility of combining 2 or more consumer no. of the same owner to share excess production from the solar power plant. Read more
In this Article, we discussed How to calculate KSEB Solar Net Meter Bill or KSEB Solar Ongrid Meter Reading and bill calculation. We have discussed how KSEB calculate bill for solar On-grid consumers and what they do to excess production from Solar power plant. Read more
In this article, we discussed How to Give Electrical Vehicle Charging Port in Car Porch for New Home. What are the power plug sockets, cable size or wire size, and MCB ratings that need to be used for connecting? What is the present type of chargers available in the market? What are portable chargers, fast chargers, and DC fast chargers for electrical vehicles? Read more