In This Video We have Given Answers to the subscriber's question Why does Electric Shock Happen in a Building with a Proper Working RCCB. ശരിയായി പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്ന RCCB ഉള്ള ഒരു കെട്ടിടത്തിൽ എന്തുകൊണ്ടാണ് ഇലക്ട്രിക് ഷോക്ക് സംഭവിക്കുന്നത്. Read more
How To Plan For CCTV Cameras in New House During Construction | Conduit Pipe | CCTV Layout for House
This article is for those who are planning to build a new house and want to install CCTV in their house. And also, to people who want install CCTV in future. Security is one of the most important concerns to all once we are building a new house. Comparing to wireless CCTV for new house wired CCTV is better and cost effective. To Install CCTV neatly, we need to plan the position of CCTV during time of conduit laying for House. We need separate conduit pipe for CCTV and Data network. Otherwise, signal distortion will happen. Once CCTV position is Read more
his article is for those who are planning to build a new house and want to install CCTV in their house. And also, to people who want install CCTV in future. Security is one of the most important concerns to all once we are building a new house. For that importance and need for CCTV are increasing. CCTV means CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION i.e., is a TV system in which signals are not publicly distributed but are monitored, primarily for surveillance and security purposes. But nowadays it is a common term that we use for surveillance camera systems. Different types of CCTV Read more
In this article, we discussed the easiest way to reduce electricity bills. Just Switching Off Plug Point & Not From the Remote control can reduce electricity bills and Save your money. We normally think that switching off the Television/AC from the remote, or just turning the power button off of an electrical appliance makes sure that it is not consuming any electricity. But the truth is that this appliance will continue to consume a small amount of electricity till the plug point is not switched off manually. The LEDs indicators, voltage stabilizer in build or external if used and internal Read more
In this article, we discussed essential points that need to be cross-checked in Electrical Works in Full Contact House Construction Agreement. Importance of electrical drawings and designs for full contract agreement for house construction. What are the major clauses that we need to add regarding electrical works, wires, switches and other electrical parts in the agreement? Important things that you need to do before signing the full-contact agreement for house construction. Read more
In this article, we discussed how to change tariffs from temporary construction tariffs to domestic tariffs after the completion of the construction of the house. What is the importance of changing tariffs immediately after work? What are the other things we need to change during this period? Complete online procedure of tariff change, phase change, meter shifting and load change explained with an example. What are the documents required during this process? Read more
In this article, we discussed how to get Electricity Connection for Construction from KSEB. Tariff for temporary connection taken for construction purpose. LT 6 F general. The actual procedure of applying online for new electricity connection for construction purposes. What are the documents required for KSEB's new electricity connection for construction purposes? Read more
In this article, we discussed a new tariff for KSEB commercial consumers and how it differs from the old tariff rate. What will change the total electricity bill for regular consumers and shop owners? What is the difference between LT 7A and LT7B consumers? New change in LT7B Consumer connected load. What will the total effect of this increased tariff on an average person? Read more
In this article, we discussed a new tariff for KSEB industrial consumers and how it is different from the old tariff rate. What will change the total electricity bill for regular consumers and manufacturers? Huge increase in energy charge for HT Industrial consumers. What will the total effect of this increased tariff on an average person? Read more