ACD ADJ KSEB What is ACDADJ in KSEB Bill Additional Cash ACD Charge in Electricity Bill

ACD ADJ | KSEB | What is ACD/ADJ in KSEB Bill | Additional Cash | ACD Charge in Electricity Bill

In this article, we discussed What is an ACD ADJ in KSEB Bill? How to calculate ACD/ADJ in KSEB Bill. Using a n example of real KSEB electricity bill with Additional Cash Deposit Adjustment
ACD ADJ is Additional Cash Deposit Adjustment. According to the Kerala Electricity Supply Code 2014, the KSEB is required to keep a fixed amount as a security deposit from all customers.
To calculate this, we find the average power consumption for the financial year immediately preceding the first quarter.
The monthly bill amount is calculated on the current tariff for the average usage thus obtained.
Customers who receive a bill every two months are required to keep a security deposit of 3 months ‘average usage bill and customers who receive a bill every month are required to pay a bill amount equivalent to 2 months’ average usage bill.
If the customer’s current security deposit is less than the amount so calculated, the lesser amount will be recorded separately on the bill and accepted as ACD ADJ.
If the average usage has decreased, the excess deposit will be deducted from the bill and refunded. The bank also pays interest on the security deposit every year.

ACD ADJ | KSEB | What is ACD/ADJ in KSEB Bill | Additional Cash | ACD Charge in Electricity Bill Read More »